Ways to make your teaching more effective

Upon the proposal of the Quality Assurance Commission of SHLPB, in coordination with the Human Resources Office, on 30 April 2015, it was organized the seminar on “Ways to make your teaching more effective”.

The seminar was delivered by Dr. Clirim Toci with the attendance of the academic staff of the school.

The seminar was organized in an interactive method providing the grounds for sharing information on the related topics.

The professor discussed in details all techniques considered necessary to insure an effective teaching focusing equally on the prior preparation and teaching techniques. More specifically the topics that were discussed were related to analogies, the importance to captive students from the beginning, extreme importance of the prior organization, the importance to make the lecture interactive, the ways of using technology and its importance and the importance of receiving feedback.

Emphasis was made to the fact that it should always be considered the fact that students remain the focal center of learning, in that regards it is important to know the student and be interactive during the lecture. To the same scope serves also the feedback.   

Another interesting aspect that was discussed was related to the positivity of change, therefore the suggestion was to always renew the teaching techniques without insisting with the tested format, but rather try new strategies & ways in was that provide additional benefits.  

The seminar was attended with great interest by the participants.